Formula E

Filippi replaces Barclay as ‘FETAMA’ chairman

by Matt Beer
2 min read

Sylvain Filippi will take over the chairmanship of the Formula E Teams and Manufacturers Association (FETAMA) from Jaguar’s James Barclay who has held the role since 2018.

FETAMA is a group that represents the interests of the teams and manufacturers to work with the FIA and the promoters to help further the cause of the championship.

Envision Virgin managing director Filippi becomes the fifth leader of the group after Alex Tai and Dilbagh Gill shared duties from 2015-16, followed by Roger Griffiths (2016-18) and Barclay since 2018.

The position has a mutually agreed lifespan of two years between the teams and manufacturers.

Jim Wright will continue as the group’s secretariat which he has held since the group’s inception.

Upon taking up the reigns at FETAMA, Filippi, said: “As a founding member of Envision Virgin Racing I’ve been part of the Formula E Championship since the very beginning and I’ve been able to witness the incredible growth of the sport.

“I’m looking forward to taking over the role as Chairman for the upcoming two seasons and contribute to our continued success.”

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He added: “Many of the FETAMA members have worked within the sport since the early days so we’re a very collaborative group and all hold similar ideals for the championship.

“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my predecessor James Barclay, for his excellent leadership over the last two seasons as chairman and his continued support as I undertake this new role.”

Barclay, who over the last two years has led the group in addition to his commitments as Jaguar’s Formula E and I-PACE eTROPHY team director said he viewed his former position to have been “an honour to lead the group over the last two years.”

“My thanks go to the FIA and everyone at Formula E for their close collaboration and support especially with the challenges we have all faced this year,” added Barclay.

“I would also like to extend my appreciation to my fellow team principals for their support during my tenure. Finally, I would like to wish Sylvain my best wishes for the future as we move towards our first World Championship Formula E season – he has my full support and I wish him well.”

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